As many of you know, the use of AI in aviation-IT draws attention, and more and more vendors are offering AI-based or AI-incorporated solutions.
-GSE autonomous (Ground Service Equipments)
-Automated PBB (Passenger Boarding Bridge)
-Passenger Flow Monitoring/Management
-Runway condition monitoring, including FoD detection (Foreign Object Debris)
These solutions are combinations of AI and video analytics. In addition, some of the solutions introduce a new concept to existing solutions. An example is turn-around process monitoring solutions. The traditional ones collect the status report of activities from several departments involved in the aircraft turn around such as Passengers, Cargo, Catering, and Fuel. A new solution monitors these tasks e.g., by watching the aircraft cargo doors and the movement of the cargo loader through existing CCTV installed at the passenger gate.
Apart from the video-analytics, there are many areas where airlines are seeking optimization:
-Network planning
-Revenue Management
-Crew rostering
-Irregular Operations (IROP)
We see many of them now mention AI in this area. However, it needs to be more precise about how they use AI and the advantages over the previous solutions. For example, I believe calibration activity is commonly required among these existing solutions, and AI may work at that point.
We will closely monitor the latest Aviation-IT industry.
Hisanori Sato
VP Transportation & Tourism